eee gee
“I’m sad like a She-Rex in love” swoons Danish singer-songwriter, eee gee, on her sophomore album ‘SHE-REX’.
From the opening moment of the album, your immediately thrown into eee gee’s unique world, getting everything from folk disco vibes to stunning emotional moments of songwriting. With a beautiful presence, the specialness of Emma (eee gee) truly shines through on her sophomore release. The down-to-earth lyrics and witty takes on pop culture phrases is beyond endearing, really allowing the listener to step into her shoes and feel the same emotions she is.
We were so lucky to talk to eee gee about her latest album, see what she has to say below, and be sure to listen to ‘SHE-REX’, available now!
GRRRL Music: You've mentioned that you had the courage to mix different genres within your album, what did the process of exploring new sonic landscapes and pushing yourself to keep pushing out of your comfort zone look like for you?
eee gee: I think I was so focused on the storytelling that the genre colors came as an extension of the lyrics, when I wrote 'school reunion' I wanted to emphasize the feeling of being naive, dreamy and hopeful which naturally turned into a 70's disco feel, when I wrote 'did u ever love someone' I was extremely mad at love, and so the colors of that song had to be more aggressive. I really love how the songs have a good contrast between light and heavy weight.
GM: "SHE-REX" has such unique thematic elements with dinosaurs, space, ghosts and more -- what was it about
these types of themes that you felt helped write music that really delves into real feelings like falling in love and pure heartbreak?
Photo Credit: Provided By Artist
EG: I like to use strong images or a sense of humor to nuance a feeling. I think there's something really interesting and powerful in self irony, like feeling inadequate 'like a pokemon that never leveled up' or acknowledging that you're a highly romantic being in a fast moving world, 'I'm sad like a she-rex in love, watch the comet come', where love might go extinct, 'cause sometimes it really does feel like you're going crazy when you wanna settle down and everyone is serial dating.
GM: You've been playing some significant festival shows and are scheduled to perform at Pitchfork's European festival -- how did you end up translating the narrative of "SHE-REX" into a live show setting whilst mixing in older songs from your debut album, "Winning”?
EG: I think the songs from SHE-REX blends in perfectly with the old ones, 'cause you know I'm still me, even though I've had the best year of my life it's not like all my songs are happier or more disgustingly vain, I still feel inadequate though I love myself more than ever, which is. a feeling you can write on forever. I really like how there's a timeline in there you can piece together, if you start digging into the songs.
GM: While some artists face the "sophomore slump" syndrome with their second album, it seems like you just stepped up to the plate. How did you manage the pressures and expectations after such a successful debut?
EG: Right after finishing the last song for the first album I just kept writing, even though I was extremely proud of myself, it wasn't to an extent where I felt smug enough to take a break. I felt grateful for being at a place where I could write songs full time, solely because I had finally bought myself the time to be creative, by selling my apartment haha. I also think something inside me was nervous about running out of time or money at some point too, so I wanted to stay on track and felt like I was in a really good flow state. And then of course the last big important ingredient, for the perfect recipe to avoid second album pressure/nerves; my heart was broken, so everything besides songwriting felt unimportant.
GM: What are your hopes for the album's reception and how the listeners will react?
EG: First of all I hope that people have the patience and curiosity to listen to the album in its entirety, 'cause I think there's something really beautiful in all the mood changes. I also hope that some of the songs will feel like a mirror where you get reminded how much you love yourself and all your flaws, even though you still think about your ex and all your friends think he sucks and that you should move on. You can't rush a heart to make better decisions! I'm here to applaud the process of making wrong decisions.